A case of respiratory involvement along with presentation similar to pneumonia was detected in Wuhan, China and reported to the WHO Country Office in China on 31 December 2019. Similar cases were noted with an increasing pattern, highlighting the issue considering it's incidence rate. An outbreak of Public Health Emergency of International Concern was identified and declared by the WHO after a month on 30 January 2020; on 11 February 2020 it was named as COVID 19.
Considering the data revealed, the current pandemic of COVID19 is a global challenge which has to be addressed with enormous courage and with adequate precautionary measures.
Ayurved physicians consider this as the disease of Pranvaha Srotas and having Agantuj etiology. The Kapha dosh along with Prana and Udana Vayu are involved in the pathogenesis. The Kapha dosh is deviated from its normal properties and turned to be thicker i.e. Styan. Due to its altered properties the mucocilliary draining function of respiratory cilliary columner epithelial cells are affected. Mucus plugs obliterate the lumen and air entry is affected. Pran and Udan Vitiation leads to airway resistance. Due to immune response and inflammatory mediators the lung parenchyma respond with fibrosis.
Ayurvedic Approach-
Treatment should be based on the Principles of Pranvaha Srotas from the classics. The diseases like Shwas, Kasa, Hikka , Rajyakshma should be reviewed to form a protocol. As per the clinical experience; following treatment modalities are suggestive.
1) Warm Sesame oil periodically with warm water.
2) Talisadi Churna with Tankan 1 tsf and ¼ tsf respectively.
3) Kasa-shwas Chintamani Ras 1 Tablet with Dashamoolarishtum 2 tsf.
Herbs like Pimpali, Punarnava , Yashimadhu, Pushkarmool , Triphala and Turmeric are quite potential.
Herbal preparations like Chousashtha Prahari Pimpali or Vardhaman Pimpali Rasayan as per the classical pattern from 5-15 and back from 15-5 in milk 1 part and water 4 parts in the form of decoction can be beneficial.
Drakshasavaor Somasava or Punarnavasava can be recommended.
Deep breathing exercises (as described in Yoga) are very important to keep your airways open.
Use of warm Sesame oil 15-20 ml with Saindhav (Rock Salt) 1-2 GM should be used as an application on chest to increase the lung compliance, to reduce the chest wall resistance and to reduce the work load involved in breathing.
Preventive measures like drinking warm water and avoidance of dry and cold air is important.
Warm vegetables soups with ginger, garlic or black pepper is advocated