Ayurvedic management of Hyper-triglyceridemia and Hyperglycemia
(Author : Dr. Sachin Sarpotdar)

A 37 years old male patient presented with weakness problem for which he was investigated. His lab reports were as follows

BSL F- 228mg/dl.
BSL PP- 350 mg/DL
Urine sugar F-  +.
Urine Sugar PP- ++.
HbA1C- 7.3.
Serum Cholesterol - 240
Serum Trglycerides- 775.

After case-taking and consultation he was prescribed the following Ayurvedic medicines

Treatment given
1) Medopachak yoga (Agasti pharma)     2 TDS.
2) Ovadi Guggul 2 BD.( Agasti)
3) Arogyavardhini 2 BD.( Punarvasu)
4) Chandraprabha 2BD(Phunarvasu)
5) DBT 2 BD ( Sharangdhar)
6) Mustarishtum 3 TSF BD with warn water in equal quantity.

With all above treatment, after 1 month period his reports from same lab were showing

Serum Triglycerides - 402mg/DL.
BSL- F-129.
BSL- PP- 150
Urine sugar F- Absent
Urine sugar-PP- Trace.